Monday, December 10, 2012

I made a book!

Kind of.

It's the final project for my Creative Writing class this semester.  We had to include 10-15 pieces of our work, either poems or short stories or a combination of both.  At first, I was a little intimidated by the idea of what I was going to come up with...I didn't want to just do a three-ring binder and turn it in.  I wanted to make an actual book.

But how?

After watching a few simple tutorial videos online, I came up with this:

 Two cardboard slabs, construction paper, glue sticks, and some duct tape, and voila!  My book.  I figured a simple title for it would be best, so I went with "Words on a Page", because...well, that's what they are.

It came out alright, at least in my opinion.  And with the 60's hippy that is my creative writing teacher, I think she'll appreciate it more than your basic binder turned in with little effort included.

I also included a Word of Thanks page on the interior for those who deserve the credit with my writing.  I know that one of my blog readers is included in the thanks, so I hope he appreciates the shout out!

One of the poems included, entitled "Hungry For Us", was actually published in my campus' art and poetry magazine called Mosaic, and I'll have a copy of the magazine on my hands in a week or two, hopefully.  I can't wait to show it off!

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